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EquiChek™-SAA to sponsor HorseTech Conference 2017 at the RVC

By May 10, 2021No Comments

EquiChek™-SAA confirm sponsorship of the inaugural Horse Tech Conference 2017

EquiChek™-SAA, the breakthrough point-of-care test for inflammation in horses developed by Accuplex Diagnostics is delighted to sponsor the inaugural Horse Tech Conference being held at the Royal Veterinary College London on the 18th October 2017.

Kieran Walshe the founder and CEO of Accuplex Diagnostics will reveal how understanding the early biomarkers of inflammation and disease, such as serum amyloid A (SAA), can transform how vets, owners and trainers detect performance affecting conditions and illness. Kieran will also show how the development of EquiChek™-SAA meets building demand, from challengers and established practitioners in the horse sector, for faster and accessible tests to enhance decision making, identify risks and reduce costs for stakeholders.

For fast moving diseases – rapid access to accurate diagnostic information is a game changer, why wait?
